The first step is to penetrate the clouds of deceit and distortion and learn the truth about the world,
then to organize and act to change it. That's never been impossible and never been easy. ~Noam Chomsky

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bring the wind and bring the thunder

Thursday afternoon: I'm waiting for our final total and will update here just as soon as I get it!

I came here to ask for your help and you have given of your time, love, prayers, "shares" on facebook, positive messages and resources.

We are getting there! We made it to $6,000 from Monday-Friday of this past week. Just another $2,500 to raise. I'm not someone who has ever asked for money before. Watching this miracle take place has been completely inspiring.

Sometimes when I just can't find the right words to pray, to thank, to ask, or to answer, I turn to what others have written.

Bring the wind and bring the thunder, when its over bring me stillness....

so much hurt and preservation
like a tendril round my soul
so much painful information
no clear way on how to hold it
when everything in me is tightening
curling in around this ache

I will lay my heart wide open
like the surface of a lake
wide open like a lake

standing at this waters edge
looking in at God's own heart
I've no idea where to begin
to swallow up the way things are
everything in me is drawing in
closing in around this pain

I will lay my heart wide open
like the surface of a lake
wide open like a lake

bring the wind and bring the thunder
bring the rain till I am tried
when it's over bring me stillness
let my face reflect the sky
and all the grace and all the wonder
of a peace that I can't fake

wide open like a lake

everything in me is tightening
curling in around this ache
I am fighting to stay open
I am fighting to stay open
open open oh wide open
open like a lake

"Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galations 6:2

Thank you for helping us to bear this burden.

~ A


  1. Almost halfway?! That's incredible!

  2. So thrilled that you are getting so close!!! Not a day too soon!


Some of my very dearest friendships have been made through writing this blog and reading blogs written by other adoptive families. Comments help to facilitate and grow relationships and I welcome any written with positive intentions.

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